Fakemon Concept Design

The best unofficial Pokemon concept designs!

© pwssd04

Garbumo - Created by pwssd04 Seen 215 times
The Trash Sumo Pokemon: This powerful Pokemon appeared after the calamity that struck Neo-Kanto. Not only is its body covered in old, rotting, and molding sports equipment, but it also has dirty boxing wraps around its torso. It has appeared in ruined gyms, supermarkets, and old sports areas, picking fights with the smaller Pokemon there. It isn't truly dangerous on purpose though; it simply seems to have a competitive spirit, and will always attempt to help up the victim of its "sparrs." Garbumo has been seen feeding on food items that are high in fats and proteins and will often go out of its way to find protein bars and energy drinks. If no such items are available, Garbumo will seek out other liquids, most often hard liquor. It is theorized that Garbumo might have once been a human, but that theory is still yet to be proven.

In battle, Garbumo will use its massive weight and impressive strength to bulldoze and pin enemies. It typically doesn't throw punches, but if forced to, its punches can easily break a Dismandurr's wrecking ball. Garbumo loves fighting Machugs, as Garbumo's immense weight often stops Machugs mid-charge. Once it is sure their opponent is defeated, Garbumo will let out a loud, hearty laugh, and help their battered opponent back onto their feet.


Signature Ability: Sparring Gear
All physical attacks are redirected to this Pokemon and all physical attacks deal half-damage against this Pokemon.

Signature Move: Knockout
100 Physical Attack, 100 accuracy, 10 PP. Garbumo charges at the enemy shoulder-first, aiming to flatten them. This attack has a 50% to paralyze their enemy, but can't be used twice in a row.

A bulky physical tank with Low Speed, Low Sp. Attack, Decent Attack, High Sp. Defense, Great Defense, and Amazing HP.

Note: This was made for the Neo-Kanto region. The design is incomplete, so if you or a friend have artistic talent, could you please finish it for me, and then possibly turn it (or any of my other creations) into Blockstin and Gnoggin's inbox? Thanks!
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